
Candace:  THERE WAS NO NUCLEAR BOMB test by NK a few days ago.
Candace : 몇일 전에 북한에 의한 테스트는 핵무기가 아니었습니다.

US Threat to Atom Bomb North Korea Never Forgotton.
By Jay Janson.
May 28, 2009, 09:51

Candace:  THERE WAS NO NUCLEAR BOMB test by NK a few days ago. This was a normal Pacific Rim Quake, as was the quake about 2 1/2 years ago in which it was claimed as a nuclear test then. How convenient. USGS changed the depth of the quake this time, as they did last time, to match the story on TV after the story was put out.
The quake was too large to represent a just below the surface test.  And North Korea couldn't test a device 6 plus miles down, which was the depth of the quake.   Even the underground WTC towers blasts and fall did NOT produce quaking of this strength.

I don't fully understand this game.  I never fully understood the Korean War because such stories are never told honestly afterwards.  But this has something to do with CHINA, of that I am pretty sure. And China and Russia both can send us packing very easily, so it is NOT advised to the Obama crowd to attempt to level NK to the ground.  There are other solutions to the tension between North and South Korea, Japan, etc.

There is a very heavy duty story posted by Hal Turner recently. http://turnerradionetwork.blogspot.com/   It is horrific "if" true. It will not happen as any nuclear bombs will be disabled. I suggest reading the piece, which was also apparently discussed on his radio show last night.  IF true, the US of A, under the very NON messiah Obama and crowd has a severe plan and I don't think the rest of the world in that area will tolerate it, the radiation damage alone would be extreme for all those in the area if nuclear was used.

But the story is worth reading for the horror, and since a normal earthquake is put out as a nuclear bomb testing, of a bomb far larger than 2 1/2 years or so ago, there is certainly a major game behind all the media hype.  

The below article is worthy enough of reading, because we never belonged in Korea back in the early 1950's either and came limping home and apparently, if I remember correctly, abandoned a lot of American soldiers to a very grizzly winter. But I don't even know if that story is true.  

US Threat to Atom Bomb North Korea Never Forgotton
Jay Janson
North Korea again in the news.

Ominously, President Obama has promised “action” after denouncing North Korea’s underground nuclear explosion on May 26th. This follows Obama’s recent successful call for increased UN sanctions after North Korea’s space rocket launch - which apparently sent the wrong message with counterproductive effect - that is, unless Obama wanted North Korea to feel threatened.  

Scary, because it should be of frighteningly serious concern that yet another nation comes to have nuclear weapon technology that could possibly be transferred to, or fall in the hands of terrorists seeking homicidal vengeance for the America,s predatory hegemony over the poorer and vulnerable nations of the world.

Where is this new diplomacy of open communication with enemy nations the electorate was promised and commercial media keeps announcing?

Shall we not best ponder whether the North Korean insistence that its tests of weaponry are intended  enhance its defensive strength in the face of US threats could be based on its perception of reality.

On November 30, 1950, President Truman at a press conference, remarked that the use of the atomic bomb was under active consideration. Koreans heard this as menacingly foreboding apocalypse, for U.S. forces were in retreat and had suffered some serious losses subsequent to China sending ‘volunteer’ forces to help the North Koreans defend as U.S. forces neared the Chinese border some 45 days earlier.

Originally, the civil war had been over, the North having won quickly and easily when the U.S. invaded, subsequently punishing Korea with millions of casualties.

North Korea was bombed to rubble by the U.S. which also leveled almost every town in South Korea to prevent the overthrow of the U.S. sponsored Rhee dictatorship (Rhee was forced to flee the country a few years after the war anyway).

The period immediately before the war was marked by escalating border conflicts at the 38th Parallel and attempts to negotiate elections for the entirety of Korea. The years befpre had seen rebellions in the South, one occasioning a terrible massacre of 30,000 on Cheju Island far off the southern tip of South Korea, under U.S. occupation.  Koreans, both North and South, are well aware of this turbulent history that predates the North’s successful invasion

Not many years ago, the president of a civilian government in South

Korea apologized to its people for the massacres that happened there even years after the U.S. 'police action' was over.

The Clinton administration expressed regret to Koreans for the massacres of civilians by U.S. troops, which South Koreans were finally permitted to talk about.

But no American president has seen fit to apologize for similar massacres which occurred as the US conquered North Korea.  The United States apologizing to an announced ‘enemy’ in today’s climate of empire would be unheard of, especially within conglomerate owned war promoting media.  After all, whatever damage done to an designated enemy must be advantageous. Our United States is not about to apologize for what we did to Korea or any other country even before it was designated an enemy. President Wilson signed on to the Japanese occupation of Korea and Truman’s divided Korea in two, once the Japanese surrendered.

Heartlessly, most political leaders in the world dominating industrialized nations insist that the death a couple of million Koreans was worth preventing a unified Korea under communist government. Communist Russia eventually evaporated, and communist, in name only, China and Vietnam are now welcomed trading partners. A permitted communist Korea might have just as likely evolved into an acceptable near capitalist society as well.

North Koreans have the memory of the most brutal of bombings, protracted war, the U.S.  invasion which included UN documented massacres, the further devastation incurred in expelling the U.S. Army and Navy with the aid of the Chinese, plus threats of atomic bombing and terrifying cautions and warnings  of U.S. bacteriological warfare.

North Koreans, have also experienced terrible suffering during the postwar rebuilding of their scorched land while under duress of strict U.S. sanctions. Progressives in the West attribute some of the responsibility for the severity of the government in the North, and the lack of freedom of its people, to the effects of the merciless and vindictive foreign policy of the U.S., which has kept tens of thousands of troops near its border all these years, while decrying the North’s massive buildup of its military.

Of course all this is justified in U.S. commercial media with an American shrug of the shoulders and, 'The North attacked the South first,’ and the North was a communist dictatorship.  It still is, but a lot more intense about the strength of its military.

Russia and China are for finding a solution in the six party negotiations. Obama is again for increasing punishment, while  certainly knowing that this is merely heating up the confrontation between the  massive American Empire and a diminutive, by comparison, North  Korea, once pulverized by U.S. air power.

Seems like candidate Obama’s promise of talking to one’s ‘enemies’ is being replaced by threats and punishments, rather openly in the case of North Korea,  and Iran, while setting stern preconditions for lifting the economic blockade on Cuba.

North Korea is going to a lot of expense to acquire nuclear capability. Is it possible that America has fueled this paranoid impulse with its past threat to nuke North Korea, and its subsequent efforts to isolate and vilify its government as Evil.

Note: For further background on North Korea’s perhaps understandable fears or dangerous paranoia see articles below:    

More than 100,000 massacred by allies during Korean War, Telegraph Co.,UK, by Richard Spencer in Seoul, 29 Dec 2008

"More than 100,000 South Korean civilians were massacred by allied troops fighting alongside Britain and the US in the Korean War, an official investigation has revealed.

Obama Calls on U.N. to Punish North Korea Over Rocket, but WHO PUNISHES THE U.S.?  April 6, 2009, OpEdNews

Commercial media feeding frenzy on the space missile launch by North Korea at the same time whipping up fear of Iran. Obama has harsh words for North Korea, as earlier for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Venezuela and Iran, which received a kind invite to talk mixed in with such severe public criticism as to make the invitation unacceptable. So far, Obama, both as president and as commander-in-chief belies change to serious diplomacy.

April 17, 2009, OpEdNew

On the Need for Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in America

"In 2005, in keeping with its maturation as a constitutional democracy, the South Korean National Assembly established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to seek to "reveal the truth behind civilian massacres during the Korean War and human rights abuses during the [South Korean] authoritarian period and recent evidence of U.S. and South Korean responsibility for the massacre of civilians before and during the Korean War."

Feb. 27, 2008, OpEdNews

NY Phil Plays in a Korea Once Destroyed by U.S. Invasion, Flattened by U.S. Bombers

"Beautiful telecast. Koreans interviewed spoke of avowed resolve to protect their country,they knew Americans were their enemies, spoke softly, politely, with calm pleasant countenance. Americans can go on thinking they were good guys doing good. But they might like to remember that 'good' was done in Korea, to Koreans, all of whom were not in agreement that it was for their own good. Picasso's Cheju Massacre Painting sobering"

Author's Bio: Musician and writer, who has lived and worked on all the continents and whose articles on media have been published in China, Italy, England and the US, and now resides in New York City.  


출처 : http://abundanthope.net/pages/article_3098.shtml
