August 24, 2002

From Hosts of Heaven through Sara Lyara
ⓒ Copyright Sara Lyara Estes 1999-2002
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Postal mail address: Lyara c/o Celestial Cooperatives,
PO Box 2231, Oroville, WA 98844 (USA

A bit of clarification is in order, to clear up an apparent ambiguity in our most recent Message. As many of you may know, particularly astrologers, any particular quality or activity has the potential for a positive and a negative effect. For example, when you are considering the influences represented by a particular aspect in astrology, you can see the potentials for both a good quality and one that would not be considered good. Both can exist in the same aspect.

Just so with the concept of surrender. If you give up your resistance to a higher force in your life, the motives for your surrender must be considered in order to evaluate whether it is a positive thing or not, and the ultimate outcome is really what reveals the truth of it all. In the first example we gave, where we made note of the agenda of those with yearnings for global totalitarian power, we found it humorous to see how many people were willing to surrender their personal freedoms in return for some comfort and maintenance of their status quo. You COULD say that the same thing is true if one is being asked to give up resistance to the Creator’s agenda, but in the first case, you are surrendering to the wills of other people, who want something from you that meets their needs, and in the second case, you are being asked to surrender your experience of separation from the Creator, so that your personal will comes into better alignment with the divine purpose for your life. From our perspective, there is a very big difference, both in the motives involved and the outcomes.

In surrendering to the Will of the Creator, you actually create greater freedom for yourself because then you simply have to follow the flow of your life, instead of remaining locked into the limited possibilities of what you can imagine while still in the veiled state of consciousness. You open up the portals for more to appear in your life that would have been considered miraculous or magical when measured in your formerly limited view. In the state of giving up resistance to the flow of your life, you are moving out of fear into a state of Grace. You are surrendering your need to control everything in order to keep your fear at bay. You are moving more into acceptance and trust in the plan for your life.

In surrendering your freedoms to those in control of your world in return for the appearance of security and retention of some portion of the material aspects of your life that give you comfort, you have made what is often referred to as a “devil’s bargain.” While you appear to gain something in the short term, when the time comes to “pay the bill,” you then discover the true cost of what it is you have given up. If you look at that kind of non-resistance, you will find that it has fear at its base. So it is important to look at the motives that underlie a given action or decision. Are they based in fear or are they based in trust in the plan for one’s life?

However, since all things are playing out according to the plan for each life, it is impossible to say that even a devil’s bargain does not ultimately serve a higher purpose. We find it humorous to see the globalists achieving their goals so easily because we know the outcome of the whole drama. In the end, those who made that trade of freedom for material security and possessions will lose everything they bartered for, and even those who hold the reins of power now will be defeated. It strikes us as ironic that everything has a tendency to work out in opposite ways to how they appear in the beginning. Those who surrender their freedoms for material comfort will in the end lose both the freedoms AND the material comfort. Those who surrender their resistance to the divine plan for their life will ultimately “gain the kingdom,” because they will be making the choices needed to come into their true inheritance, their true nature as the co-creators of this reality. In being willing to risk everything material, in the end they gain the ability to have and create anything material that they might desire, but from a state of total sovereignty rather than servitude.

We hope these remarks are helpful in clarifying any possible confusion created by our choice of words in the above Message, and we hope that they are also an impetus for you to reflect deeply on the choices that are presenting to you in each and every moment of your life. We are suggesting that you give your alignment with the Creator the highest priority. In one of your scriptures, it counsels you to “Seek first the kingdom. Then all else will be added.” In bartering personal freedom for short-term material comfort, one ultimately loses everything that is precious in life and one has placed one’s heart in the wrong place. This is not a new idea, but we ask you to contemplate the deeper possibilities of these two aspects of surrender. Whom or what do you surrender to and why?

We leave you now, in peace and honor, and blessing. Amen, Adonoy Sabayoth. We are the Hosts of Heaven.
* 운영자님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2007-12-15 10:06)